Wednesday, May 2, 2012

WalMartians Visit Us Again II

 Please, put down the candy!
 Ummm Mama, your ass is showing!
 Okay, which one is fake, the beard or the boobs.
 I think I am getting seasick!

Bass akwards

Thanks Stopsign (LINK)


  1. I am seriously thinking of getting some help...I thought I saw that thong wearing mom the other day!
    Every damn day and I still come here!

  2. They are all a turnoff. The least of all evils is the mom with the purple thong.

  3. Randy, it's a disease, Take two Walmart shopping carts and call me in the morning.

  4. Opie, I yield to your exquisite taste.

  5. Good God. This is the very reason I don't got to WalMart. Well there's more than this reason, but this is right up on top of the page. I'm blind I tell you and I'm going to go wash my eyes out with soap.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. I'm always amazed at how many Walmart men shop while wearing women's clothing. Actually, some of them look better than the women in the photos (and that's scary).

  7. That one that was making you seasick? Yeah, it's David Bowie from about 1972

  8. Sadly, both the beard and the boobs are very real.

  9. I echo Sandee' comment, I spent about 5 minutes in a Walmart and have never returned. I am still amazed at myself for that extended length of time considering what I viewed in just the parking lot?

  10. Sandee, brain bleach can be found on aisle 5.

  11. Christopher, I really don't see a lot of this in Reno. I guess we have a better class of Walmartian (including me).

  12. Just a honest view of middle america. I go in my flip-flops t-shirt and shorts. Never wear my dresses out.

  13. Ron, you don't know what you're missing. It's so much cooler.


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