Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Presidents In Uniform

WOW ... Nuff said !
Our President above and "theirs" below.


  1. I bet "Slick Willy" picked up a lot of chicks in that uniform...

  2. Exactly. Double spot on.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  3. Sandee, aren't they great. Talk about the twenty first century. The little woman's tire had a nail in it. So I'm at the auto doctor getting it fixed. They have a public wifi and I'm on my iPhone. Is this a great country or what?

  4. Another great work of art worthy of grand theft!

  5. He is such a girly-man.

    Great post, Odie!

  6. Maybe a big dog chasing him on the bike would be even better, well maybe not....he would just eat it!

  7. That says it all.

    And Dubya is still doing what he's doing in that picture.

    He and Miss Laura have made several trips to TX airports to welcome home returning soldiers.

  8. Teresa, girly-man or metrosexual.. Same same

  9. Scooney, some guys just can't control their hunger.

  10. Edutcher, I love that nan! Bush is an honest patriot.

  11. Obama is nothing compared to all the other presidents.


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