Sunday, May 27, 2012

Can You Please Help ?

Dear Friends,

There are less than six months until election day when the 

people will decide who will be the next President of the 
United States . The person elected will  be the President 
of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans.

It's time that we all need to come together, Democrats and 

Republicans alike, in a bi-partisan effort for America .

If you will support Mitt Romney, please drive with your 

headlights ON during the day.

If you support Barack Obama, please drive with your 

headlights OFF at night.

Together, we can make it happen. Thank you!!

Thank You David !


I thought I would show you a tradition as of
late around here. Yes that's my barbecue in the
garage because it's snowing. That's the Memorial Weekend tradition ... SNOW!
That's why I got an electric Weber. What a 
great idea ... no open flame in the entrance of
the garage. Oh, you ask what was on? 
 Spareribs of course. 
 It's a "SNOWBECUE"  


  1. I will drive with my headlights on, and I will have to be careful in my neighborhood at night...

    well-done please...

  2. I won't drive at night anymore now!
    Typical Memorial Day here too Odie, no snow but cold and rainy.

  3. Ah man... Your yard has slow release water packs on it. My yard is complaining left and right about being in the sun baked oven here.

  4. Race, watch out for the Dems at night.

  5. Randy, it used to be so nice around here on this weekend. It's been getting a little Algoreish lately.

  6. Supi, we were baking here last week at 72 degrees.

  7. I should send that letter to everyone in my email account! The few Dems that I know are just stupid enough to drive at night without headlights if they think they are supporting Obama!

    Damn. Mrs. AOW doesn't cook spare ribs. Especially while she's on the damn diet she just started!

  8. Mr. we slow cook them in the oven at low temperature for about three hours smothered in barbecue sauce and wrapped in foil. Then it's to the barbecue for about ten minutes and a lot more sauce.

  9. I didn't know there was any such thing as an electric Weber. Pricy little devils...

    Eons age, someone gifted us with a Weber. We never could keep it going no matter which way the dang legs faced or any of the other things you had to do. We finally gave it to someone.

    We're cloudy with a 30% chance of rain. Yesterday I got tons of work done outside. Heading back out after breakfast.

    Happy Memorial Day, Odie and Mrs. Odie...

  10. Looks pretty where you live. Enjoy your yummy barbeque.

  11. Adrienne, it was a might pricey, but I love being able to use it any where around the house.

    Happy Memorial Weekend to you and Mr. as well.

  12. Opie, it's gorgeous here. Yup, we have to put up with trees, lakes, rivers, and of course snow.

  13. I don't drive, but anything I can do to get the choomy chump out of the WH is fine with me.

    I'll trade you the snow for 97 degrees, it's TOO HOT out here. I feel sick today.

  14. The only good barbque it that cooked over hickory or oak. And I never drive at night anymore.

  15. Ron, driving at night is fun. Aim for the cars without lights.

  16. Just found your site!
    My full time preoccupation is dissing Obimbo.
    Mainly, I come here for the... uuuh... pictures.

  17. Marine4ever, welcome aboard. You like pictures of barbecues on snowy days?

  18. Yeah, Odie... the pictures of barbecues on snowy days.

  19. Not a lot is taken seriously here. Just once in awhile.

  20. Smoked my ribs in an electric smoker... The best invention since beer... I'ts in the nineties here in S.W. Fl, and I've seen snow once in my life...


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