Friday, May 18, 2012

WalMartians Visit Us Again V

 Clean up in the shoe aisle -- STAT!!!
 And the winner of the mullet contest is...
 You might want to stay away from the Pepsi ma'am, I hear it is bad for your tooth.
I tot I taw a putty tat!! I did, I did.

It's Mrs. Woodsterman and my Anniversary today. We're going to Walmart to celebrate. 

Thanks Stopsign (LINK)


  1. Take your camera, you might want to remember your special occasion...Conggrats Odie, your wife must be special to put up some of your quirks...Enjoy the day buddy!

  2. Happy Anniversary, Odie and Mrs. W. Have a wonderful day!

    (Stay out of the shoe aisle.)

  3. Adrienne, that was me in the shoe aisle.

  4. It seems to be like an occupy enclave in there.

  5. Happy Anniversary, Odie! Make sure you and the Mrs. have all of your shots before you go!

    Incidentally, THOSE people are why I ALWAYS use those sanitizing wipes on the cart.

  6. "Pepsi Woman" should never smile. Sheesh.

    Happy anniversary to you and the missus, Odie!

  7. Brooke, we actually celebrated last night at Boomtown. It's a Casino/Hotel with a great restaurant. We spent the night and are back home now.

    OOH ... cooties

  8. AOW, There's still one tooth to sacrifice to the Pepsi god.

    Thank You Kindly! ... 38 years...

  9. Yay! Happy Anniversary, Odie and Mrs. Odie! :)

  10. Happy Anniversary and God bless you both! The Mrs. and I celebrated our 30th a few weeks ago. We renewed my wedding vows at the War Memorial and she even got thrown out again by an usher after she punched the nacho vendor in the face.


    It was like 30 years had never passed.

  11. No, Mrs Odie puts up with you 365 days a year.

    Take her someplace nicer than that.

    Helmand Province, for example.

    Seriously, many congrats to you both. She must be a grand lady.

  12. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more happy and healthy years together...hopefully not spent at Walmart.

  13. Sig94, we went to WalMart to renew our vows. worked great once we got out of the shoe aisle.

  14. edutcher, read above and you'll see I did and we did.

  15. Lady, thank you kindly ... and WalMart was wonderful.

  16. Have a great day guy and gal!!! I hope you don't run into Jason's mom.

  17. Odie,
    38 years?

    Mr. AOW and I will celebrate our 40th in a few weeks.

  18. Happy Anniversary to you and Mrs. Odie!
    I hope you had lots of fun celebrating at Walmart.

  19. ♪♪Happy Anniversary to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Anniversary to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Anniversary Dear Mr. and Mrs. Woodsterman, ♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Anniversary to you.♪♪

  20. AOW, we're all a bunch of old farts. Congrats to you too.

  21. Bunni, it was great once we got out of the she aisle.


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