Tuesday, February 21, 2012

While We're Waiting For Jodi ~ My Teeth Hurt !


  1. Made some mom proud with that dental visit.

  2. That left a mark. Boys will be boys. Hitting yourself in the mouth like that takes talent. Funniest home videos?

  3. Some people have to learn physics the hard way.

  4. What a moron.
    I will bet he voted for Obama

  5. Teresa, These kids need to learn to play real baseball. It doesn't hurt quite as much.

  6. Fuzzys Dad, that and shop at WoodsterMart.

  7. This is hard to watch. I tried eating a pitched baseball, ONCE!
    The folks made the dentist's car payment on that one.

  8. Kids---what else is there to say!!!

  9. Ouch! You just have to hear the sound to know how much it would cost. LOL @ Teresa's "Funniest home videos!" The tooth fairy certainly gave him the visit and money he needs for being a comedian. LOL!

    [Glenn Koehm]


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