Sunday, February 26, 2012

Parents of the Year Revisited 2

. . . . And, you need a license to fish ?

Thanks Dan !


  1. From a grandad who packs the baby and carrier frequently around, that last one bothers me a bit...But I was never in the running for parents of the year!

  2. That last one is scary stuff! Whoa!

  3. Oh Odie.. My eyes are terrorized.

  4. Are you sure this isn't a People of Walmart post?

  5. Now we know why things are going downhill in USA. These morons shouldn't even have chia pets, let alone kids.

  6. Brooke, I know, we really need to talk to Randy.

  7. Opie, do you really think I could do that to you ... second thought don't ask.

  8. Bunni, it's called, "Thinning the Herd".

  9. Christopher, Brings back memories for me.

  10. Raccoons bite -- and have dreadful claws too.

    Not to mention carrying rabies and being about to defecate via a spraying technique.

    Just sayin'.

  11. AoW - Yep. A raccoon kicked the bloody hell out of my cat when I was a kid.

  12. Inno, but I repeat, they sure are fun to pet.

  13. Oh boy... Scary... If these parents only used their brains.

  14. Teresa, brains are endangered these days.

  15. I pet a mother racoon once. It had one eye and a cub (I guess that's what they're called?) with her, and I gave her an apple.

    This was at a state park, so I figure she probably got moderately tame hanging out around the picnic areas.

    Now POSSUMS, THOSE are vile, HATEFUL animals! One almost went after my Mom in our front yard when I was a teen.

  16. Like Randy said that last one is troubling! But then I would never require licensing of parents---Hope Obugger doesn't see these he might get ideas.

  17. Ron, We're OK, he doesn't care for people ... only himself.

  18. Odie, was it one of those big dead stuffed bears at Bass Pro Shop? 'Cause my kids petted that bear, too.

  19. A coworker was cutting up a hollow tree once. A mother coon and her kits were in there. The saw began to smoke, the mama leaped out all teeth and claws bared...jumped by this guy's face before he could move or bat an eye. Pet at your own risk!

  20. Scott, but they're so cute. It snowed the other night and I had huge raccoon tracks up to the front door.


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