Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Then and Now

Lee's work at Vanden Brink's Blog


  1. I hope we can find a Reagan soon.

  2. "The Dipper" for real! Here is a double Obama dip. Rush just told us that BO has spent the entire federal budget for the first two years of our next president's term...whoever that may be...sic.

  3. Opie, there's a few out there, but they chose not to run.

  4. Brooke, Wow, let's get that jersey restenciled.

  5. SO SICKKKKKK of The Dipper.

    bonks to all of you

  6. I got to meet the Reagans when my mother worked for RR's campaign for CA governor. He was one helluva nice guy.

    Now we have a real a$$hole in the White House. America is in a terrible mess with Obama and this Congress.

  7. Mr., I voted for him for governor in my first election. What a great day it was.

  8. His is the Big Dipper, but many have finally figured out that he's not that guiding star.

  9. The Gipper was great! Obama sucks. We need a candidate who is Reaganesque.


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