Monday, February 20, 2012

iPad Sale

If you are interested in getting an iPad after February, 
I can get hold of them through a contact. These are legal, 
not off the back of a truck. They are from a canceled hospital 
contract due to the government cutbacks.

The numbers are limited and I have twenty iPads going for 
less than half Price, so it's first come, first served.

I have already sold one (see pic below so you can see 
what you would be getting).

Get back to me as quickly as you can, if you want one.

Thanks David !


  1. I'll take 2, so I don't have to look at fugly folks.

  2. Christopher, nothing but the best at WoodsterMart!

  3. You had me going! I'll need two --- one for each eye to avoid seeing all the sh#t going on in this ole world.

  4. I'll take whatever you have left. They will help to keep the blood from shooting out of my eyes after hearing the next thing Obama does to destroy America.

  5. Hey if the price is right, I'm game.

  6. Had me going there for a sec. I got my iPad very recently.

  7. Ron, they're on the way from WoodsterMart!

  8. Lady, At this point anything will help. They're on the way.

  9. DD2, Welcome to the crazy world of Woodsterman. Just leave your address with the pretty lady at the check out and we'll get those shipped right out.

  10. C'mon Woodsterman, shouldn't we pulling those things off (both) the eyes of the Obama voters instead of trying to get people to wear more of 'em?

  11. I will go with Dean on this one..but I liked it all the same Odie thanks big smile here...

  12. Dean_L, I'm in it for the money here at WoodsterMart.

  13. Race, they won't be on sale until October 2017.

  14. WoodsterMart...HAAA...Rush said a 17 yr old sold his kidney to get one...More pads must be on order!

  15. Scott, they're on back order. I'll let you know when they come in.

  16. Had me all excited thinking I was going to get a good deal on ONE. Now guess I'll have to get TWO.

  17. Stopsign, It's on sell here at WoodsterMart!


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