Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What Is This Commercial About ?


  1. A larger version in DC could maybe make a difference...

  2. I like that "Sucker" But try to stay away from them.

  3. Randy, that would keep all of the idiots in the Rotunda Dome.

  4. Stopsign, them suckers is great for cleaning out sinuses.

  5. Ross Perot did not warn about that sucking sound,,,,,,

  6. Christopher, not that sucking sound again.

  7. It's not very often that I get a belly laugh out of something - but that sure did the trick!

  8. It's obviously a commercial about hunting down reporters with Conservative Derangement Syndrome since they suck so badly.

    Or something like that.

  9. I thought it was about the social shame of chronic constipation until the very end. Oh well, I now have a few new uses in mind for a Dirt Devil thanks to some of the more enlightened postings here.

    Perhaps on November 6, 2012, we might hear those same sucking sounds coming out of Washington, D.C. as some of those folks get their collective clocks cleaned, metaphorically speaking.

  10. Sig94, we all learn to suck it up here.

  11. Euripides, It does make your mind wander a little, but then it brings you back to what really sucks.

  12. Robert, Sucking sounds to the sound of closing suit cases. It all will bring a smile to our collective faces.

  13. The still reminds me of lst wookie, just sayin ;-)


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