Sunday, June 19, 2011

I'm a Man and I Can Fix That . . . More Again

 Is this before or after raking the yard?
 Shocking . . . simply shocking !
 It's OK there's an alarm
Something is very wrong here . . . That's not duct tape.


  1. You're so helpful, Odie.
    Be careful of putting the power strip in the pool though, I don't think that will end well.

    Happy Father's Day!

  2. Odie - that power strip one is scary. Are they nuts? Ooooops - stupid question #1...

  3. Bunni, I'm in that pool now commenting to you now.

    Thank you !

  4. Adrienne, That just shows we can fix that.

  5. I now have a new way to grill hot dogs. And I may be CRAZY but I aint stupid so I'll forget about that pool idea.

  6. Of course, Odie, the way the nanny-state gummint is nowadays, they'd have you take down this post because it encourages such foolhardy behavior.

    The power strip gives new meaning to "the shallow end of the gene pool". Expect to see these two idiots in the Darwin Awards' list this Winder.

  7. lolz Woodsy...and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!:)

  8. Yeah, that power cord thing is pretty scary. Even I, the unable to fix anything girl, realizes that.

  9. That pool looks great! What a creative way to make a T.

    Happy Father's Day, Odie!

  10. But Stopsign, that pool thing really works.

  11. TWP, the award will have to be awarded posthumously I'm afraid.

  12. Conservative Girl, but it helps keep the pool warm.

  13. Teresa, it really works Gr E A TtttT !

  14. Now folks, everyone who has lived in western PA as I have knows; it is spelled and pronounced correctly "PIXBURGH".

  15. Scott, they need more duct tape then.

  16. I "rekin" they will need a local interpreter as well. "Youns" just don't talk proper out thea in that world of yern.

  17. Scott - I only reside in Pittsburgh. I'm not from Pittsburgh so I don't know the Pittsburgh secret language yet :)

  18. Teresa, you haven't been payin' attention.

  19. "onechya" cetch the drift of it it clangs to ya like glue---hard to "get shed" of that lingo.


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