Friday, June 24, 2011


This time of year my schedule is quite full as some
of you know. This weekend is our first show of the
season. This morning will be the most hectic of all
the days, as we'll be trying to get the kinks out.
Everything will be preposted, but the rub will be I
might have to leave before "NewsBusters" posts. 
If I can't post it this morning, I'll try this evening.

Have a good weekend all, and wish me and our
economy luck.
 "Let's see how fast we need to go before he takes off."
 "OK, I'm ready for that hard right turn ahead."
 "OK, tighten up the wench line and my foot will get er out."
 Now that's a LINEMAN !
Is this one off those great redneck inventions?

Thank You David and Stopsign (H/T)


  1. Yea, the bike is definitely a redneck invention...Have a great weekend Odie and best wishes.

  2. Thanks Randy, thank goodness for credit cards.

  3. Wishing you blessing of mucho dollars to flow freely into your coffers.

    Have a extra special super-duper weekend.

  4. Indeed, good luck! Sell the hell outta stuff at the show!

  5. I keep looking for the Obama sticker in that drowning car. There has to be one. The fisherman is no doubt a good hearted conservative redneck willing to risk it all for a good cause.
    Good luck as well "old capitalist". I used to do many trade shows in my own buisness. Some days were exellent and others---well...

  6. Go get em Tiger!

    I too was looking for an Obama sticker.

  7. I knew not to look for the Obama bumber sticker... it is obviously below the water...

  8. Adrienne, thank you kind lady. On the first day the crowds and sales were a bit slow. Two more days to knock em dead ...

  9. innominatus, thank you and EVER FORWARD!

  10. Lady, Thank you and we have two more days to make it so.

  11. Stopsign, the tiger is on the prowl ...

    The other is a surprise ... stay tuned.

  12. Scooney, OK but then my ass will be dragging to replace my inventory for the other six shows. Ah but a great reason to drag huh.

  13. Madhat, stay tuned, your wish is my command.


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