Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm a Man and I Can Fix That ...

Thanks David !


  1. I warned my girlfriend once about posting pictures of my digs...Heh.
    Great stuff Odie.

  2. Randy, you shouldn't have ever given her my email address. They almost arrive daily.

  3. Where would we be without duct tape?

  4. As a youngster we used the wire that was twisted around the protective cap on the milk bottle, wait for it............... that was delivered to your door... I know, can you imagine someone leaving something on your door step in the predawn hours today... The guy would be shot six times before he could get back to his truck... Sorry, I got off track... Like I was saying, our house was held together with milk bottle wire... Then came duct tabe and we learned to walk erect...

  5. Admiral, I'd have to turn in my tool belt.

  6. Born Again, Our "delivered" (yea me too) milk had cardboard stoppers and a paper form fitted top over that. They were only good for what they were used for.

  7. Odie...
    The wire was used to secure the paper form that was over the stopper.... You had to untwist the wire to get it off...

  8. Bunni, that's just scratching the surface.

  9. Born Again, I think ours was just folded and compressed. Did you use to get big ice chunks from the milkman? They were great on a hot day.

  10. Duct favorite tool.
    Odie, you're welcome about the iPhone thing. I sent you my e-mail address, but in case you didn't get it, it's Can you comment but just not access the CommentLuv or is it you can't comment at all on my blog with the iPhone?

  11. If someone runs over my mail box again~ I'm using that last idea~ Just a bigger jar.

  12. The grill on my BBQ is all rusted out. Was going to buy a new one for this summer but now I see that I don't have to! Wooo!

  13. Love the shopping cart grill,,,Inno, sterilize it before hand,,OK

  14. Lady, yes we call it high speed tape here in snowmobile country.

    Your old comment with blogger is there but not the Comment Luv. I did email you with screen shots from the I phone.

  15. Stopsign, that sounds great, but be sure to paint it your shade of green.

  16. Inno, before you make that leap, don't forget rust adds flavor.

  17. Christopher, sounds like you speak from experience.

  18. Luckily, my husband's mantra is that he makes enough money that he can hire someone. Otherwise, this is what our house would look like because both of us are pathetic when it comes to handiness.

  19. Conservative Girl, it sounds like he needs a starter kit with lots of duct tape.

  20. You better start taping everything down out there when all that snow melts on the higher elevations!


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.