Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm a Man and I Can Fix That ... Again

Thanks David


  1. Odie,

    ..some of these border on genius. Of course, one should always include a half dozen vice grips and a gross of duct tape rolls in *any* survival kit.

    But the soda bottle sprinkler is almost patentable it's so smart.

    I don't get much of a chance to comment, but I always delight in the intriguing "series" you run on this site. Visiting here is one of the bright spots of each day!



  2. I didn't realize that congressman from NY had taken up concrete work already...He does not appear to be very good at that either. I think I will give the sprinkler a try though, good sprinklers are tough to find.

  3. The water bottle. I'm going to try that. Water sprinklers that last are hard to find.

  4. TWP, I believe the water bottle might have made to these pages as a redneck invention before ... Oh so many posts and only one place to post them.

  5. Randy, you can find good sprinklers under the snow, in your neighbors yard, in the Fall.

  6. Supi, I'm not sure about the connection, but maybe heating the hose end and threading the bottle on might work. Then back it off and cover the hose end with a bunch of Teflon tape and reinsert. (Don't ask how I might know that.)

  7. I knew you was a RED NECK too! I'm trying that idea you gave Supi.

  8. I did #1 for about a week 'til I got around to fixing the stupid valve. By shower was slightly less scuzzy, though. I would let it look like that but NO WAY wifey ever would!

  9. Inno, you're a man and you CAN fix that!

  10. The Lawn sprinkler....Pure genius!

  11. Scooney, it belongs up there with the iPhone for greatest inventions.

  12. Odie - I call dibs on the bathroom soda bottle shower head!

  13. I might try the sprinkler myself!

  14. I love the water bottle sprinkler!

  15. The sprinkler one is pretty good. I may do that myself. Why pay for a sprinkler?

  16. Trestin, Go for it ... then you'll know "Why pay for a sprinkler."


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