Friday, May 20, 2011

NewsBusted 5/20/11 ~


  1. What's all this hoopla about bin Laden and porn... It was merely "Farm Animal Weekly" with some goats in provacative poses...

  2. Born Again, Yeah that's the one. It's known as the Muzzloon Playgoat weekly where Bin Laden is from.

  3. It's common practise in Britain to add "And we found kiddie porn on his computer" when demonising someone they have already collared for something else just to make sure that we hate the perp.

  4. Bin Laden's porn was all smuggled in from Michael Moore's personal stash - so you can be certain he had some quality stuff there from Cuba.

  5. As well as Farm Animal Weekly.


  6. Banned, but what do they do with after they find it?

  7. Opie, well put, but the visual burns my brain.

  8. Euripides, does the good stuff come from Cuba?

  9. Euripides, Playgoat is a good one too.

  10. Woodie: I don't know if the good stuff comes from Cuba for certain, but Michael Moore certainly believes that.

    Playgoat. *snork*

  11. Euripides, Ah yes Michael Moore, the Lazy Fat F**ks Hero!

    You like the Playgoat? It's really big in the middle east.

  12. Good grief, he did it all for 72 sheep! That is just "baaad" all the way around. I wonder if his followers still have the "wool" over their eyes...He is probably glad he was dead when they found it, he would otherwise feel very "sheepish"

  13. Madhat, the next issue of Playgoat is on news stands everywhere.

  14. I wonder which left wing extremist from the Obama administration is going to be taking over for Jim Lehrer? I think our military needs to keep a close watch on Osama's son. I think he has too much of his father in him.

  15. Teresa, it's getting to the point, I don't trust any of 1.5 billion of them as far as I can throw them.


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