Monday, May 9, 2011

New Advances In Red Neck Technology 2

These photos were captured by following Wal~Mart shoppers.


  1. I'm gratified to see Walmart shoppers doing their bit to advance technology for the benefit of all mankind.

  2. Carpenters shop at walmart too?

  3. I've had a similar TV idea.

  4. Randy, best place to find Chinese nails.

  5. Trestin, take a photo when you build it. I would love to post it here.

  6. Well now, I see some1 haz been followin' my other brother amanofwonder around with a camera. Yah dun him proud.

  7. Love the cell phone holder. Looks like something I would do. I believe a woman could build an entire house with nothing but push pins, baggie twist ties, and duct tape.

    Noticing lately how left over cat food dries and sticks to the bowl, I may have to add that to the arsenal - use it to bond bricks and tile.

  8. WonderMan, you really need to keep that brother of yours in tow.

  9. Christopher, that's exactly what it is ... Way To Go!

  10. Adrienne, Duct tape? Now that's a Red Green touch. I think he's over due for another appearance here. You're right about that leftover cat food. That might work on my glue-ups.

  11. What's up with the back end of that car? I mean seriously? It makes no sense....

  12. People make fun of rednecks, but they are pretty ingenious when it comes to inventing things.
    I'm sure they have more brains in their "think tanks" than the morons in dc, just sayin.

  13. If the TV/bed thing also had a 'fridge next to it, I'd never have to get out of bed!

  14. Euripides, that's the beauty of it ... pure rednecker!

  15. Bunni, I have to agree mostly because I'm a proud redneck at heart.

  16. innominatus, you're so right, but I think it's still under construction.

  17. Those toilets really need a his and hers sign. How is one suppose to know which one to use?

  18. That's silly Stopsign. The toilets are both "hers." Neither of them has the seat up.

  19. lmbooo too funny Woodsy..not sure why the site dont recognize u but u shouldnt have to go to Gravatar..lemme take a look laters plzzzzzzzzzzz..happy

  20. WHT, Funny stuff .... It was like you dropped me from your mailing list (just like all the rest).

  21. Whats wrong with the handsfree first photo? Should work a treat.

  22. Banned, absolutely nothing, we can it "Good old American ingenuity".


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