Saturday, May 7, 2011

New Advances In Red Neck Technology

These photos were captured by following Wal~Mart shoppers.


  1. Wonder what Mr. locksmith's hourly rate is? Technology...I love it.

  2. Necessity, the mother of invention. I guess high gas prices are hitting some harder than others.

  3. Randy, my mind is just full of questions when I see that locksmith van.

  4. Admiral, me thinks these things have been going on a lot longer than high gas prices. Call it a hunch.

  5. Some hardware store made a LOT of money selling sawz-all blades to the van/boat guy.

  6. Take a look at the third world country that Obama is dreaming of.

  7. innominatus, we need to buy stock in that blade company.

  8. Love the boat van, looks awesome...

  9. Odie, Dammit! Another keyboard down the drain! No, not coffee but my beloved beer this time.

    The trigger to my eruption of laughter,,,the pallet porch, too funny!

  10. Ok - this makes me a red neck 'cause I think those solutions are pretty dang creative.

    The pallet one is my favorite. There's a whole cult on the "girlie" blogs about uses for pallets. These gals are building bookcases, coffee tables, and whatever from pallets and pallet wood (most of which are pretty nice looking.)

    Now, Odie - I can guess that since you are an exceptional woodworker that gives you heart palpitations and I apologize.

  11. I hit the big time, thanks woodie.

    Neva knew my way of life would stimulate one to picture life in the future the "Obama Land" I haz been frettin' bout'z.

    But then my fleeting 15 seconds of being famous only leads me to put my I-Pod on repeat and forget about it all,

  12. Woodster..

    ..some of these border on genius. I particularly like the locksmith's solution to his broken doors. Can't say much for the "toilet" except "any port in a storm".

  13. Odie - I can see that locksmith door contraption being used as a birth control device when applied around the knees.

  14. The toilet seat would be a vast improvement on public facilities in eastern Europe, low tech, economical, what's not to like?.

  15. Christopher, never throw anything away, including pallets.

  16. Adrienne, be still my beating heart. Yes, I too have done the pallet deed. In my case though, I used take the oak ones apart and reuse the wood. Now I find oak boring and don't use it any more.

  17. Madhat, Let's cross saws-alls and get to work.

  18. Man of wonder, I returned the favor at your place.

  19. TWP, You'd best be sure that's rain in that storm.

  20. Banned, I knew if I looked long enough I'd find yet another reason not to visit Eastern Europe.

  21. Hey! I've got steps like those at my house! Only they're not made of wood pallets. Only the best in plastic crates for me!

  22. One of my hometown "ranchers" had a fence-row almost identical to this one. He had more old car doors than fenceposts---hence the "open door fencing policy". Sounds like our southern border to me.


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