Monday, May 30, 2011

As We Remember This Day

I find as I get older this day tears at me a little more. So many 
have given the ultimate price for our freedom, and for this I 
love them all. As I write this I think of those brave brave men 
and women so unselfishly giving to this country and all its 
people the chance to be great with their lives.

Pictured here is a Memorial from my generation. 
It has a special meaning to me, as my best friend 
growing up is on that wall. Today we remember our 
fallen heroes from all wars, and 

Here is a link to last years Memorial Day post about my best friend Bill.

UPDATE: Here is a photo of we, the Pallbearers, at
Bill's Funeral ... Thank You Van !
Too Young


  1. As one who served, I understand his sacrifice and that of those left behind. Today we honor them.

  2. Way too young. Thanks for the reminder of what Memorial Day really is. I was at the Wall in DC in the 90's it was quite moving.

  3. Thank you for this moving post, Odie. Is that you on the far right?

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  4. Opie, that's me just 5 months before my tour started in Vietnam. The blond guy in front me (Tom) was their with the Marines a few months before this was taken.

  5. Indeed, Odie. I has become too easy for the President to send troops to war on his own. It doesn't mean it's not a necessary evil from time-to-time, but it is too easy.

    Rest easy, my friend

  6. Deekaman, if you get the wrong president, the war isn't fought to win. Such was the case with Johnson and now maybe BO.

  7. A Terrific Post! Thank you and all of our troops for their past,present and future service to our Country.

    Also such a great photo. Psst! I knew that had to be you before I saw Opus question.

  8. Stopsign, how'd you know? I'll bet you just looked for the best looking one huh.

  9. Odie, thanks for your service and thanks to all who have served...

  10. Well done Odie. You are a true friend and patriot.

  11. "That from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." -- A. Lincoln

  12. Odie, God bless your friend(s) and God bless you and my thanks for your service and this post.

    My roomie and fraternity brother at UCLA -- Terry Ogami -- is on that wall as well. These were all great men (and women).

  13. Born Again, even this draftee was honored to serve! Thank you too sir!

  14. Van, we lost your brother, but we're honored by Bill's memory. I'm so happy to have this blog to be able to give tribute to your brother Bill and all others our country has lost.

  15. Euripides, I can think of no more fitting words.

  16. TWP, there are far too many or that Wall.

  17. A very moving post. God bless all that have served and still serving.

  18. Thanks for stopping by Admiral. God Bless them all.

  19. Odie - We were all so young then. God bless HM2 Mercer and all those who indeed gave the last full measure of devotion. Crap, the tears don't ever stop, do they...

  20. Sig94, they don't quit, but that's what being an American is.

  21. I'm moved by The Wall and ALL THOSE NAMES.

  22. Very moving post, Odie! We remember all those who paid the ultimate price while serving to protect both us and our freedom.

  23. Odie, what a wonderful tribute. I've visited the Wall a few times, the last on 8/28 after the Restoring Honor Rally. Thank you and God Bless all of our fallen Heroes. And I want to thank you personally for your service to our country. We owe so much to our military, veterans and active duty.

  24. Teresa, generations of our heroes have made America.

  25. Lady, thank you so much. I hope to make it to that wall one day.

  26. Great post.
    The older I get the more this day means to me.

  27. Odie - It is hard to lose friends. Thank you for writing a moving post.

  28. What a moving tribute to your Best Friend!
    A most important Holiday where we remember all who served, and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, thanks Odie.

  29. Supi, thank you it was a special post for me.

  30. Bunni, it was special alright, but what's going on with you and my comment thingy?


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