Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Odds and Ends Tuesday ~ Part 1


An observation from a Swedish engineer:

“The notion that a nation can run on sunshine and breezes is worse than delusional.

People might fall for the idea that we can merrily run on sunshine and breezes, alone, but with a few trillion dollars worth of mythical mega-batteries providing backup for a few minutes, when the sun sets and the wind stops blowing.

A two-megawatt w!ndmill is made up of 260 tons of steel that required 300 tons or iron ore and 170 tons of coking coal, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons.

A w!ndmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.”

Thanks Ed at FB


  1. As I understand it, that part has been debunked but windmills are still worthless as far as America's energy needs and they do blow up often.

    1. Kid, they cost so damn much for that ugliness I doubt they could ever see a profit. Energy companies build them to quiet the libs.

    2. Could be Woodie with as much BS as there is to wade through.

  2. I have said that for years. ONLY FOOLS say they are worth something. IT IS AND HAS BEEN A BOONDOGLE FROM THE START....IMO...When they all wear out WHAT then. HEIGHT OF STUPIDITY!

    1. willford, they need a special landfill because they don't dissolve.

  3. Follow the money, Odie. Follow the money.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. same goes for solar cells the amount of energy to refine silicon is enormous

    1. Unknown, those make more sense to me. When they are placed on top on a house in the desert.

  5. Aaand, while we are pointing out Stupid called good, can we point out the insanity of taking farm land and irrigation and everything that goes into raising a huge crop, only to turn it into ethanol?

    1. Justin, exactly! You don't burn your food.

    2. And use that ethanol to thin out the gasoline that we already have in super abundance, assuming the idiots in DC will leave the oil valve alone, which they won't.

      The ethanol thing was a shrewd political move at the time, to show OPEC we could manage without them. And it worked. But after that, and after fracking and ultra deep drilling opened up nearly infinite oil and gas fields here, it became unnecessary. Not killing the program is one of Trump's failures. And we'd all get better MPG with straight up gasoline, and the pump price would be lower if there were only 3 or 4 regional/seasonal blends instead of the dozens, and the polluting and expensive additives added to gas back in the 70s should be removed too. I do not believe that adding moonshine to gas makes it cheaper for the consumer in the long term, using a Big Picture that includes $/MPG and food price increases because of croplands wasted for ethanol corn.

  6. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/12/viral-image/actually-wind-turbines-easily-produce-more-power-i/

    1. Jeff, liberal facts are not the same as real facts.

    2. Try science then. You sure do post a lot of false stuff. And FWIW, I am as far from liberal as one can get. But I am educated.

    3. Jeff, a lot? I don't think so. I'm a very busy important man and don't have the time to fact check every nitpicky thing. This place is about fun. Lighten up.

    4. Something you will never see is website showing amount of power wind turbines make each day real time so you can compare reality with name plate rated power. Reason? Wind is non dispatchable. Either to fast or to slow. I bet they make half of what they try to tell everyone they should make on a good day.
      You know what else? If the coal fired grid shuts down, so do the turbines. The turbines depend on the power plant to act as a battery to make up for to much or not enough power.
      A fools game solar panels and wind turbines.

    5. greg, and don't forget these "Facts" are reported by "scientists" that are living off of grants given to them by democrats.

    6. Woody: "I'm a very busy important man and don't have the time to fact check every nitpicky thing."


      Lightened enuff? :)


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