Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Libturds Are Fun ~ So We'll Do Wednesday ~2

 Thanks FBers


  1. Fact-checkers - What a fucking joke - I know for a fact that my grandmother (yes, grandmother) saved aluminum foil, aluminum pans and bacon grease. Plus, she always made me cheese on bread - if she took the cheese from the refrigerator and there was mold - she just cut off the mold and used the rest. My grandparents lived through the depression.

    1. I mean, that's just a couple of things my grandparents did to save - I could fill up the page.

    2. Edward, my parents and grandparents all were that way. Mold on cheese, yes cut it off!

    3. Edward, and my father paid cash for everything. Depression experiences.

  2. My mother saved the foil and bacon grease and wrapping paper and I can't remember what all plus she saved S&H green stamps by the bookfuls! So how old and how college educated are these fact checkers? Cows, horses and pigs are only seen at petting farms (I've actually met people that said this!).

    1. LivingFossil, that's the problem with college educated fact checked. Their feelings are too easily hurt. We commonly call it, "Butt Hurt!"

  3. My mom and grandma saved their bacon grease, I don’t know about foil and don’t know if we even had any.

    1. Chu Lai, I still save bacon grease. It's hell on plumbing. It goes out cold on trash day.

  4. My mom saved bacon grease. She used it to bake cookies. I don't know about aluminum foil, but she'd wash and store those Styrofoam meat trays you got from the grocery store! Had bags full of 'em when she moved out of her house.

    1. Proof, I save those foam trays too. But I put them on the bottom of the kitchen trash bag to keep things from poking through the bottom of the bag.

  5. Re-using aluminum foil and saving bacon grease?? it wasnt my great grandmother. It was my mother and her mother. The real difference is that this time we cant afford bacon


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