Thursday, November 11, 2021

Happy Veterans Day ~ Part 1 ~ Tale of Two Women



This Veteran Never Forgets


  1. Thank you for your service...Happy Veterans Day....DD-214

  2. I can believe that about Ann Margaret. Did you ever see her in person over there?

    1. Kid, I never did see her. Bob Hope was close but I wasn't able to go.

  3. I hope I live long enough to stand in the line that's waiting to piss on Fonda's grave. She'll probably live longer than me and if she does die before me, she'll probably be cremated just to piss me off some more.

    1. Born '37, so I think you'll get your chance. She'll probably want her ashes spread someplace, so go there and do your thing.

    2. edutcher, we'll find them. They'll smell like traitor.

  4. A lot of civilians have never forgotten, either.

    We have your back and always did.

  5. ‘pologize for being the odd man out.
    Don’t thank me for my service, please!
    My service was a thank you to the United States of America; even convinced my Dad who wasn’t exactly anti-war; just didn’t want to see his only son, his only child writing a blank check to Uncle Sam, even moreso when there were so few of our family left.
    I owed the United States of America; I had a debt to pay.
    I could have been born in an oven. Both my folks left the seething cauldron well before any hint of problems; had they stayed as did much of their families who were not in favor of their emigration …
    well, we all know the story (most of us, anyway).
    So, please don’t thank me for my service. I wrote a blank check; I knew precisely what I was doing; I felt the heavy burden of debt. I gave of myself freely and willingly: this is not something you thank someone for (unless you feel guilty in some way).
    I still don’t feel I’ve repaid the debt in full; at eighty I’m still wondering if I ever could.

    1. boron, My father, a WWII vet, felt the same way as your father. Vietnam was an ugly war that Washington had no stomach to win. I always thank those who thank me for being there when I got back. And I too have always considered it a great honor to have served. Thank those who thank you ... they are heartfelt thank yous I'm sure.

  6. Well,
    At my advanced age, I have softened a bit, to the extent that I am prepared to forgive Jane Fonda...after the Jews forgive Hitler....

    1. elysianfield, they forgave him? You're pulling my leg, huh.

  7. The story about Richard's picture brought a tear.

    I'm ashamed of myself for not hating Fonda enough to keep the pictures of her when she was young from being attractive.

    Talk about torn...

    I lost a friend in Nam, I didn't go, volunteered in 73. I certainly appreciate the ones who went and am glad to be able to Thank those who made it home.
    His name was Gary Grimes, 18years old. Army,

    1. Justin_O_Guy, thank you from the bottom of my heart Gary!

  8. And then there was Martha "The Big Mouth" Raye.She didn't do the standard entertainer tours; she specialized in entertaining the outposts, Special Forces camps, and other isolated hot zones. On one occasion she was visiting a base in the Central Highlands when they came under serious VC attack. When they started taking casualties, she reported to the aide station, informed them that not only was she an entertainer, she was also a Registered Surgical Nurse and a Colonel in the Army Reserve, and went straight to work attending the wounded. She was made an Honorary Green Beret and is interred in Arlington.
    12B20, 10/69-10/70 in picturesque Suburban Chu Lai.
    And always retaining a little in my bladder in case I should unexpectedly meet Jane

    1. Unknown, I know that story and I will never stop loving her.

  9. Seeing that picture of "commie jane" still winds my rubber band. Its been 50 years but I dont forgive her.

    1. Tsgt Joe, none of do. Welcome to our VERY large club.


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