Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Wild Bill For America ~ Blackness Fatigue



  1. Please do not misplace your hatred! It is not blacks that are causing this derision - it is democrats who are trying to deflect the blame on their failed efforts to control this country and the media is only too happy to help.

    1. And plenty of stupid white people.

    2. oldvet1950, hatred? You misunderstand.

    3. Bob, there's plenty of stupid to go around.

    4. Woodie - I understand that I hate democrats. I hate stupid and I hate evil and those are the only two choices. If you are a democrat, you are one or the other (and sometimes both).

    5. oldvet1050, Dems are easy to hate. And of course hating dems means you hate evil and stupid.

  2. Done surrenduring. Are we? 'Muria not gonna stand for this? No? I'll believe it when I see it.

    In the meantime, I've never seen the natives more restless and violent than they are now.

    1. Bob, what is happening is all by design.

    2. No doubt Woodie. LBJ set the blacks up for failure and modern day slavery with 'the great society', then obammy kicked it up to level 9. I thought racism was pretty much dead in the 70's. Can't let that happen can we.

      Well again, plenty of folks know the score but we still have an anti-American federal government and even moreso 'education' process. Hard to counter when you get them early and now when you don't even have a valid election process or even an opposition party. I'm planning on clown show for the duration regardless how many guys in cowboy hats tell us America isn't going to stand for it. Yea, yea.

    3. PS, Can you imagine a young black person growing up today not hating Whitey??? I can't. Gonna take one hell of a special person to see through today level BS.

  3. The blacks can become ordinary decent people any time they chose

  4. They are "ordinary decent people" just like "white" people....they have their bad eggs.

  5. If you don't believe the video, just book your next vacation to a black controlled country. Somebody out there should be able to find one a good one and report back on facebook all the fun they had there. No takers?

  6. Replies
    1. Keep in mind, Wild Bill vehemently denied that it was an ambush or that in any way was Lavoy Finicum set up by the fedgov.

      This after several back and forth 'tween me and him, including me pointing out that what actually happened fit like hand in glove an 'ambush around a corner' as depicted in the USMC Handbook. How much do you believe in coincidences? When it involves the FBI HRT?

    2. Wild Bill may not be wrong here but like a broken clock is right twice a day.

      Ask him about his Its not Amway! MLM plan to hoodwink his followers.

      He's a clown, I gave up on him years ago.

  7. A lot of crime ridden black communities did have a lot of white commie libs running them...

    But I do agree with what he says.

  8. Big Country had a very similar post a couple days ago, calling it Blaxhaustion.

  9. Fred Reed also calls it Blackness Fatigue. I am detecting a trend...

  10. I'm tired of 'em too!
    I had myself pretty well weaned from using the term, but with all this rioting, reparations demands, statue toppling, killings, and crime, I find myself calling the pavement apes that get all the attention nowadays "niggers" more and more.
    Yea, but at least I'm honest.


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