Thursday, June 24, 2021

It Must Be Libturd Thursday Morning Again


Thanks FBers


  1. Is that Hanoi Jane in the limo?

    1. Crotalus, yes it is. I printed it out and pissed on it.

  2. Some really fine ones there, Odie. Thank you. :-)

  3. It will be a century before grass will grow on her grave because of all the urine. Never forget she is the reason 2 airman died from beatings after her visit because she gave the notes the POWs slipped her to the Hanoi Hilton Commander. Oh the notes were things like tell my family I am alive and love them. May Hell welcome her soon.

    1. Kimberwarrior45, this Vietnam Veteran would crawl miles on broken glass to piss on her grave.

  4. Woodsterman, thank you for what your sacrificed. My father was flying in Nam when she went there. He was grounded as were all aircraft when he ordered all Air to Air ordinance for his F100 and even the Cessna FAC pilots ordered all AtoA. The higher-ups looked at the sudden 100+ requests and saw she was flying in and grounded all, and i mean ALL, aircraft from flying on both her incoming and outgoing time. I wondered how many of our soldiers died because of that. Oh I was told about her actions by a POW who spoke at our AFJROTC Dining in because he was THERE when she did it and saw it with his own eyes. I am a Christian but I will let GOD forgive her.

    1. Kimberwarrior, How anyone can tolerate that bitch I'll never understand.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.