Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Father's Day ~ Funday Afternoon

 Thanks FBers


  1. Devolved, devolved, no evolved. Two year olds at every age.

    1. terrapod, Devolve usually has to do with governments losing or giving up power. Whereas, Evolve has to do with natural selection. I would put it to you this way: A liberal will ALWAYS evolve backwards because a liberal can only become dumber with natural selection.

    2. Maybe the word then would be "regress". Our culture is going back to the time before the age of enlightenment. People no longer learn how to think, question and evaluate what is before them. Being a tad shy of 70, my tolerance for said behavior is waning. In this household all are required to think, question and evaluate their environment. Spawn are on a decent path as are their progeny. It always comes back to intact families, learning and work ethic. Seemingly too large a percentage of our nation lacks these aspects. Too many are credulous fools, leaving them open to manipulation.

    3. terrapod, Since it is the job of liberals to "regress" and take as many stupid fools with them, I feel right in using "evolve". It's the job of the left to indoctrinate as many sheep as they can. We must create as many thinkers as we can.

  2. The suntan one was the best, I think. The last one is a statement on the sad state of some people now days.
    Thank you, Odie. :)

    1. LindaG, mankind is truly in trouble with libs in charge.

  3. The pie may have been the temperature of Mercury, but it was absolutely delicious.

    1. Unferth, yes but I still have scars on the roof of my mouth.

  4. How many times was everybody on the planet stuck because the transporter wouldn't work and nobody thought of sending a shuttle craft?


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