Friday, June 11, 2021

Fun Friday Afternoon

 Thanks FBers


  1. Replies
    1. Pointing&Laughing, I drink Folgers Silk or Yuban Dark. I like them.

  2. Meh, Folgers "coffee" is garbage......

    1. Bitchie P, I'm drinking Folgers Silk right now and I love it!

  3. Fucking coffee snobs. Real men boil the fucking water, throw in a handful of roughly ground coffee (or fucking chicory if necessary), cook it down for awhile, throw in a cool rock to kinda settle the fucking grounds, and drink the shit, scalding fucking hot. If yer fucking eyes don't start to wobble with the first fucking drink, you ain't fucking doing it right. Fucking coffee snobs.

    1. Patrick, coffee snobs ... love it. Just give me Folgers Silk in my Mr. Coffee at 5 cents a cup and I'm happy. Life is good.

  4. LOL. Clicked over to comment on the coffee...looks like I'm not alone. In the 'quality coffee' world, that wreck is the equivalent to that wrecked Ramen truck meme, where the company was out $13.

    1. millerized, I don't think a lot of you have been drinking coffee long. We don't serve Lattes at Woodsterman.

  5. BTW, for my money, it's a tie for the win between Mega Hand, and Go get mom. That shit is fucking priceless.

  6. Marriage is also when the one who's always right loses anything and the husband knows right where to look to find it.


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