Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Trump ~ Best Video Commercial 3-14-20 (Revisited)

Thank You The Unknown Philosopher


  1. I'm kinda thinking that's the point. It doesn't exist. We know we have the best man for the job in him, so thanks, Mr President, for not wasting our time and exposing us to more political carping!

  2. The Unemployed Philosopher, thank you so much for doing my work for me!!!!

  3. The Unemployed Philosopher, Did I delete the wrong comment or did you?

  4. edutcher, got it Dooode. Even the great make mistakes.

  5. Seen it a few times. Still - tears in the eyes. We're not perfect as a country but:

    America is the world's last best hope for freedom - Ronald Reagan.

    Damn straight.

  6. Great message from Pres Trump. His voice does sound strained. I pray he is in good health and takes this country far beyond what we can imagine! Your mistakes Odie are but a flower petal hitting the floor. You shine bright everyday! That is no mistake.

  7. That is terrific....I wish our teens and twenties kids could all see this and believe in it....Aren't we all grateful for what we KNOW we were handed....Good luck, Pres Trump, lots of pressure right now. We all need to 'hang in there' and remember how blessed we are to live here. Thanks, Woodster...

  8. Jeanne Moson

    America is the best country in the world. We always have been! It is a shame that there are people out there don't seem to see it that way. President Trump has brought us back to believing in ourselves and our Country. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America.

  9. Unknown, Like Reagan before him, he is America's Cheerleader!


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