Thursday, March 5, 2020

Time For A New Libturd Thursday

Thanks Facebookster Peeps


  1. I love Mercurochrome, the dance of a thousand cuts... Mom and dad secretly enjoyed dabbing it on liberally. That is so true about dogs, my little anklebiter is ten times smarter then the average democrap. I love me some Old Crow, but after viewing peloser as their new model, I may have to rethink that.

  2. Ah, mercurochrome, the antiseptic of champions! Love the chihooahooa pupper's message. I'm pretty sure when he hears his president will be in office for four more years he will grin himself silly.

    Happy Thursday all!

  3. Funny, mercurochrome wasn't a big deal for me.

    Having the Band-Aid ripped off was.

  4. I grew up in an iodine house. Even worse than Mercurochrome and iodine was having Vicks crammed up your nose. When I got to reading age I informed my mother that it specifically said on the label to NOT cram that crap up anyone's nose. However, I lived to tell the tale...

  5. Cederq, I don't remember mercurochrome being that bad, But my father had some stuff that had Iodine in the name that could make you want to chew the injured part off first.

  6. Curmudgeon, we will all grin ourselves silly.

  7. Adrienne, me too! It was Iodine what done it!

  8. Love them all, Odie. Keep them coming.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  9. My high school football coach (mid-80s) had a spray can of iodine...he'd carry it at all times, and when you got dinged up in practice or a game he'd apply it liberally...made you forget about the original ding....

  10. rondo1342, Kept you on your toes I'll bet.


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