Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coronavirus Medicine ~ Morning Edition

Thanks Facesterbookers


  1. Never thought I'd see a TP edition. I now have seen everything. Worrying about TP at my age was not how I envisioned my life 45 years ago...

  2. I am so with Cederq and his assessment of the TP situation. BTW, I liberated the last pic to use over at my place. Thanks, Odie.

  3. So.......today I will hit up Costco during "old people hour" (8-9 am) and hopefully score some TP for my friend. She has cancer and only months left to live and shouldn't have to be worrying about things like TP. What the hell is wrong with people??? I do, however, have enough of my own to share if I don't get some.

    The bear and rabbit one was my favorite. What does that say about me?

  4. The kids.

    You think this country isn't going that way?

  5. Earth has the best looking women, so they always win the Miss. Universe Pageant!

    (I don't know if that sort of pandering will get me laid, but one lives in hope)

  6. Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Love them all and I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. 😎

  7. Curmudgeon, I just got back from my store. They started a seniors time Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 am to 9:00 am. We almost had the store to ourselves, butt still no toilet paper!

  8. LL, you got something against extraterrestrial females? Oh, good luck with your quest.


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