Sunday, March 15, 2020

Happy Snowy Funday Y'all

Thanks Facesterbookers


  1. Never, never, ever ask a woman who is eating ice cream straight from the carton how she is doing. Particuarly if it's chocolate ice cream.

  2. LL, I find it to be something Mint Chocolate Chip.

  3. edutcher, plus I shoveled 6 inches of snow yesterday, and right now there's another 18 inches waiting for me. ALSO, it's supposed to do this for two weeks.

  4. Good ones, especially the behind enemy lines one!

    People like Freddy the Fart, who worships Moochele, and wants to do President Trump are part of the problem in our country.

  5. I agree with Brig on the enemy lines one. I've actually seen that happen in Lake Erie during the steelhead run, except there was not just one fish. They were everywhere and acting just like that. Wouldn't hit on anything either. They'd just swim around you and your rod holder or right behind you and between your legs............

  6. Brig, Freddy Fartblossom has left the room.

  7. Women eating ice cream really want to be restrained and taken - by my experience anyway.


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