Sunday, April 19, 2015

Complete Vs. Finished

No dictionary has ever been able to satisfactorily define the
difference between "complete" and "finished." 
However, during a recent linguistic conference, held in 
London, and attended by some of the best
linguists in the world, Samsundar Balgobin, 
a Guyanese linguist, was the
presenter when he was asked to make that very distinction.

         The question put to him by a colleague in the audience was
this: Some say there is no difference between 
complete and finished. Please
explain the difference in a way that is easy to understand.

         Mr. Balgobins response:  When you marry the 
right woman, you are complete. If you marry the wrong 
woman, you are finished. And, if
the right one catches you with the wrong one, 
you are "Completely finished".

         His answer received a five minute standing ovation

Thanks Hal


  1. As a "right" woman, I applaud you for posting this and to the Guyanese linguist I say, "Amen."

  2. This is spot on. Spot on. I also linked you to Silly Sunday as always.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. :)

  3. I would take a class from that guy.

    He is the living definition of a teacher.

  4. After almost 24 years of marriage, I'm "Done".

  5. Simple and to the point. Even a simpleton can understand the meaning of what he comprehended.


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