Monday, April 20, 2015

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style

Thanks Hal


  1. You know that the cat WILL get even! Have a super duper day!

  2. Yes this is your style indeed and it's still an Awww. Thanks for joining in and putting a new twist on this meme.

    Have a woof woof and purrfect Awww Monday. :)

  3. I have a Doberman and she is a big goofball. Most likely with her, she slipped and bonked into the cat accidentally. In any event, there will be cat revenge.

  4. LOL @ the dog larfin poor pussy heheh!

    Have a tanfastic day :-)

  5. Dog,that's your story and your stuck with it.

  6. Our dogs don't have that much of an issue with cats.

    Squirrels and chipmunks, yes, but cats, not so much.

  7. Edutcher, sounds like your dogs need dog lessons.

  8. HaHaHa! Too funny, cats have a way of getting even, when you are not looking! When our youngest daughters lil chihuahua was so ill and dying our kitten Mr. Kitty never left her side and he was so so gentle with her. But he is very naughty with the other dogs and the other cat! He is very bossy! Thanks for sharing and have a great week.

  9. Willy does not cotton to cats, so the neighbors cats tease him by laying in their driveway and waving their tails at him... some day it isn't going to be pretty.

  10. Brighid, I've seen that. I had cat that used to cruise our property line and no dog dared approach her. She stood her ground and EVERY dog backed away.

  11. My husband hates Chihuahuas because growing up, his neighbors had four, count 'em, four and his cat, Sylvester, would taunt them from across the fence and they'd bark at him all day long.

  12. Cube, why didn't the cat just eat them?

  13. I'm not sure, but I think the cat enjoyed tormenting them. He would lie there calmly sleeping or slowly cleaning himself while the dogs were in a rabid frenzy.


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