Friday, April 4, 2014

WOW . . . Check This Kid Out !


  1. What the hell took him so long?

  2. Cool! But, like orbitup says, he'll never get laid.
    Now, where are the chicks?

  3. "He'll never get laid."
    Which reminds me of me.

  4. I use to peel the stickers off and tell my mom I did it when I was a kid lol..

  5. Hubby and I watched this and both said...We've never been able to figure this puzzle out. Ever. We both laughed at the comments too.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. :)

  6. Marine, He'll be a new rich Bill Gates one day. Still think that way?

  7. Hmmm...ya got a valid point there, Odie. Here I am, still having trouble trying to stack Legos with my grandson.

  8. Marine, hell they're in the yellow pages now aren't they.

  9. 2T2, When I was a kid there was no such thing, but when they first came out I don't think the used stickers.

  10. Sandee, I don't think I've ever tried it. He'll get laid.

  11. Marine, they have the really big ones now for us old guys.

    1. Yeah, I built some steps with em to help me get in the rack at night.

  12. I actually solved the Rubic's cube with only a bit of help. And by "a bit," I mean that someone had to show me how.

  13. geeks are mad cool! Have an awesome weekend my friend~!:-)

  14. WHT, thank you for letting Marine hear it from a beautiful woman such as yourself.

  15. Marine, read the comment above yours. See .......

  16. Do ya think it's too late to go to Geek School, Odie?

    When I was in high school (yes, I did ATTEND high school,) we had the 'Kickers,' the 'Jocks,' the 'Hoods' and the 'Slipstickers.' Slipstickers carried a slide rule* in a holster on their belt just like the Old West gunslingers. The Slipsticker had plastic (plastic had just been invented) pocket protectors with enough pens and pencils arranged in them to build a small-frame patio covering out of, or a very large dog house. The majority of people DEFINITELY did not want to be known as a Slipsticker. Yep... times have changed.

    *Slide rule -- Anyone born after the mid-1970s... Google that.

  17. Marine, I got my first slide rule in Junior college. I to this day I am quicker without it. I still have it somewhere. It was the computer of the sixties and seventies.

    We had about a dozen or so kids like these in high school. They're probably all working for JPL. I have a 50th reunion coming up in September. You just gave me a second reason to go.


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