Sunday, April 13, 2014

Message From The Mrs.

Got home real late last night after a full day of golfing
and hanging out with the guys, and my wife left a message
in the kitchen.

I think she wants me to eat more fruit,
bless her heart!

Thanks Suzie !


  1. I like women who can get their point across without having to say a lot...

  2. No subliminal message at all there.

  3. That is textbook passive/aggressive?

  4. Old NFO, Aren't you glad it wasn't left for you.

  5. Randy, I'll keep my fingers ... AND legs crossed.

  6. Ron, orange you glad I didn't say banana.

  7. Bwahahahahahahaha. That's not the message I'm getting from this. You better watch your package.

    Have a fabulous Silly Sunday. :)

  8. Looks like a Palestinian circumcision.

    (and they say blondes don't have a temper)

  9. She might be planning to make soup out of it, Odie. Keep one hand over your lentils!

  10. Only one thing would make that any worse, Odie -- the note was left to ME by MY Mrs.

  11. Proof, I have to make this a little "short", I'm still running.

  12. Marine, we have to put our best a huh forward.

  13. I think my husband should thank his lucky stars that I'm his wife...
    I'd never be so subtle ;-)

  14. @ Cube -- All I can say is, your husband had better stay in lockstep with the rest us who have wives like you. And, I NEVER want you and my wife to EVER get together!


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