Monday, August 6, 2012


Thanks David !


  1. Nooo... This doesn't make any sense! It's like listening to an Obama speech.

  2. That's taking "put on a happy face" seriously.

  3. Brooke, it's just a gathering of silliness.

  4. I'm old enough to remember the time when "made in China and made in Japan" was a joke. No one laughing now.

  5. We are just getting dumber and dumber aren't we. It's all in the plan.

    Ditto on what Ron said. I remember that too.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. Been really toasty up here the last few days, so I'm gonna make room in my freezer for some of that icy ice.

    And don't say anything sarcastic, or I'll have to kick your ice.

  7. New meaning to keep smiling.

    PS Not unlike the guy at the fast food place who said he wanted minimal lettuce and the kid at the counter told him, "We only got iceberg".

  8. Inno, It's been awhile since someone kicked my ice.

  9. Smiley arse made my day.

    As for conflicting road signs we have so many road works that at one T-junction we are confronted with two
    "Diversion >" "< Diversion" signs that point towards each other.

  10. I know that nobody will believe it and I should have taken a picture of it -- I stopped in at McDonald's the other day and there were a couple of big, glossy, expensive looking, point-of-purchase signs that had to have been done by an ad agency for all the franchises: "Fresh Baked Apple Pie! 50 cents! 2 for $1.00! I went back today -- they were gone.

  11. Is that traffic light in D.C. or in Baltimore?

  12. The path to destruction...Dead Ahead...The Sheeple follow the signs you know.

  13. Banned, Do you ever run into yourself?

  14. AOW, coming to a neighborhood near you.


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