Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Close Calls .... Whoo Hooo


  1. That's a whole lot of really bad drivers!

    Also, folks should stay the hell away from trains! I couldn't believe the guy jumping onto the platform around 2:35! Time to change your drawers!

    On a funny note, check this one out:

  2. Those were close calls. I've had several of those over the years---the one that stands out was on a trip south of Mexico City some years back on Mexico 95 which is a high speed toll road. On a two lane section I was doing about 85mph I rounded a curve and there was this huge boulder about the size of my car in my lane and a Large bus coming in the other lane---to late to stop or even slow down, I went between the bus and the boulder knocking off a mirror on the bus side. Had to pull over and have a drink after that. Hell I shouldn't be here today!

  3. Or a normal day for Odie? Heh.

  4. Brooke, was that video real? They looked like me in my yute.

  5. Yikes. That's a tough video to watch. I think my face is stuck now. You know that frightful look.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. Blimey! That just became my 100th Youtube favorite.

    Stupidest YT Top Comment "So fake man... You can see it was edited" No-really?

  7. Yeek! Looks James Bondian at parts.

  8. Yes, James Bondian at parts, Keystone Kops at others. wow...

  9. Sandee, didn't your mother ever tell you not to make that face? Your face will stay like that.

  10. Opie, I had to google James Bondian. I had never heard of him ... DUH ... yes James Bond like.

  11. Velcro, You're doing too. Did you and Opie conspire to confuse me.


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