Monday, August 20, 2012

More Signage . . . . .


  1. The window and utensils signs gave me a chuckle.

  2. A good laugh first thing Monday...This is a window...

  3. Teresa, get those utensils back, and please use the door.

  4. Is that last one on a D.C. building where federal employees work? Well, sort of work.

  5. There are people this stupid and they procreate too. There ought to be a law against the procreating part.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. 'chicken strips'...bwahahahaaaaa....

    And that last one...were they prepping for an Obama visit?

  7. Sandee, we always need more to laugh at.

  8. That last one will always be in use.

  9. STOP! What about all the people that can't read english! Need to add Alto! But then everyone can read "FREE"!

  10. There is a GREAT video montage (that I couldn't find) of people walking into windows. I find it particularly hilarious since there is a Chipotle restaurant in Independence, Ohio, where you can sit and watch it all day long...I was just trying to entertain the patrons, I swear...

  11. Race, you be careful out there. I see a broken nose in your future.

  12. Washing windows is hazardous for an idiot's health...Government safety regs are called for!!!

  13. Scott, We'll get a bureaucrat right on that ... this is after their break.


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