Monday, September 19, 2011

Toons From Foreign Lands

But first a word from our sponsor.

Two rednecks are sitting on the front porch.

One says, "Did you know that elks have sex 10 to 15 times a night?"
"AW SHIT", says his friend, "and I just joined the VFW




Thanks David !

As a side note ... Randy's Cowboys beat my 49ers, so I think it
only right to pay tribute to it here ... Randy this one's for you!

Cotton pickin' 9ers!


  1. Randy, I was thinking just the opposite.

  2. Randy has great taste in Rule 5 girls and just about everything else. Except football. :)

  3. Inno, I couldn't agree more. What's a guy living in North Dakota doing rooting for Dallas?

  4. Former Wyoming(and Nevada) boy here gents(I use that term loosely)I remember crying in 1967(that dated me a bit) when the Packers beat the Cowboys in the Ice Bowl...I have been a fan for a while.

  5. Those toons are great, and the cheerleaders also. May have to steal a toon for my Obama Cartoon site.

  6. Looks like the press overseas is getting the picture a lot faster than our home grown boys.

  7. Randy, 1967 was a couple of years before I was interested in football. I would have been too old to cry about it then myself.

  8. Sig94, I think our press (some) are starting to catch on.

  9. I think it was more a case of 49ers beating themselves.

  10. Trestin, as a 49er fan, I would have to say it usually is.


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