Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fodder For "ATTACK WATCH" !

This photo captured the back of a Marine's Jeep.
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into 
Prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and 
Trying to lift himself up by the handle. 
-- Winston Churchill
This is so good !!!     
Hwy 59 at Hwy 43 - 
across from  Marshall  High School

Sign at Hutchinson, KS, 35 miles SE of Wichita

 Sign POSTED on Hwy 61, Hutchinson , Kansas .
we cannot afford Obama or his CHANGE!!!
I dedicate this post to those fine folks at "ATTACKWATCH"!


  1. Outstanding Odie, let me know when you need bail money...

  2. Randy, nothing over the right shoulder. Standby while I check the left.

  3. Watch out, the jackboots are going to come looking for you!

    That Winston. Brilliant! No wonder Obama got rid of the bust in the WH so quickly.

  4. Brooke, there are no busts left in the White House. The One asked the staff to remove all the busts of people smarter than himself.

  5. The billboard nails it Odie! I hope many a driver on a long ride have had to ponder those question's.

  6. They were all good and the quote from Sir Winston--that man could turn a phrase.

  7. Christopher, I hope it's a very embarrassed driver.

  8. Ron, he should could, and I can picture The One in that bucket.

  9. Seeing these makes me feel like it's all good.

  10. There is hope yet...oops THAT WORD! Sticks in your head.

  11. Scott, it's like an old ad jingle you find yourself humming.

  12. Brilliant I love the sign by the high school excellent!

    I would like to see one that said
    " Why worry if he's a Kenyan from the third world, the way he is going it will soon feel like home here for him!"

  13. If Attack Watch come to take me away, they'll have to caregive Mr. AOW.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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