Sunday, September 4, 2011

Only in San Francisco

Scott Weaver's Rolling through the Bay from The Tinkering Studio on Vimeo.

It has been reported that this took Scott 35 years to build.


  1. Whoa. I would never, ever have the attention span to do such a thing.

  2. Brooke, believe me, I know exactly what you mean. Some of my boxes take two weeks, but 35 years ... no way.

  3. Supi, yes but how much do you think guy drinks?

  4. ..Odie, tell Brooke I barely have the patience to *watch* this whole thing.

  5. wooooooooooo rollin! .Back from vacay and website all fixed!..xxooo

  6. And this will do what to avert The Lords wrath at the unholy antics of San Fransiscos gayers and foul anti-smokerism?
    Fire & Brimstone cometh their way brothers sure as aggs is eggs with the San Andreas Fault.


  7. Way too much time on his hands.

    An aside; Being this creation is now in some sort of public exhibition site one has to wonder if his work was subsidized by taxpayer funding?

  8. He HAD to make the rich history of San Francisco, about him and post-earthquake events.

    Somehow, his is a very sad story. Better that he had dated or something.

  9. TWP, Hey Brooke did you know the War Planner barely has enough patience to watch this?

  10. WHT, Vacay ... fixed? Just kidding, I'm glad you got back just in time to see a bunch of politicians make fools of themselves at Ground Zero.

  11. Christopher, I hear he had all the public workers eating pop cycles.

  12. Huh? I wasn't paying attention. ;)

    I used to cross-stitch regularly before my last kid, who can't leave me alone for more than 26.7 seconds. ;)

    Some of my stuff would take a month to finish, working on the evenings.

    I really should get back into it. It's just so hard to find a decent hobby shop!

  13. Brooke, Look into Jo Anns or Ben Franklin.

  14. Gee - San Franciso... where a man toils for 35 years to build something that plays with his balls.


  15. It would have been great if he set it up to have the balls run over Nancy Pelosi on their way down.


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