Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Woosterman Googled What ?

Ah yes, as I'm watching it snow for the third straight
day (we're at around three feet), the mind (?) starts to
wonder. What special posts can we have for
Thanksgiving Weekend?

I'm giving my followers WAY TOO MUCH information
here. You see the old Woodsterman doesn't just Google,
he GOOGLES! Today I will share with you when I
GOOGLE "Sexy Turkeys". Yes you read that right.

Tomorrow I'll show the results of a new search ....

 Bill that's really stooping ... Mr. O picked the better man.
 I lost my appetite or Trick or Treat ...
 I suddenly got an urge for a Big Mac.
 Hey Good Lookin ...
 Do you remember the old Coppertone ads? The little girl grew up.
 This theme never seems to disappear.
Makes me want to stand up and salute turkeys everywhere.
We must have a turkey from Arabia.
Now we're getting closer to what we asked for.
Now that's more like it, but where's the turkey? Oh well, Happy Hump Day Everyone.


  1. 3ft of snow has me shuddering more than the pictures.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
    Save the breast for me!

  3. Supi, add to that it stopped snowing around 4:00 PM yesterday, so it got good and cold this morning ... try 0 degrees.

  4. Hello Sharky, Happy Thanksgiving to you too, and good thing there are two breasts.

  5. Odie, glad to see you found what you were looking for. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. Opie, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I'll just stick around here and look some more.

  7. If "funny" was edible, your blog would make me fat.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. ..where's the turkey? where's the turkey?

    Why, he's right here making this comment, that's where he is.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night!

    ..oh, wait!


  9. innominatus, what a great thing to say ... thank you sir.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. three feet? oh wowie. that is a lot of snow. I hope you have plenty of bonkful provisions. Tell Pen, he has to stay inside near the heater.
    These pics are very funny.
    I hope all of you have a safe, warm and cozy Thankbonksgiving.
    Here, Miles an I will have to behave because the whole bunch are leaving us here while they go to grammas. we should be getting cold rain.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving from the staff at Goomba News Network®, a Division of Nickie Goomba Ltd.

  12. Pierro, Stay warm and Happy Thankbonksgiving to you too. Woooo, that's more of a mouthful than a turkey drumstick.

  13. You have found great offerings for Thanksgiving. WOW, 3 ft. of snow already, I don't envy you, I'm sure we'll be getting it here soon enough.
    Happy Thanksgiving Eve, aka, hump day.

  14. Odie, You can send me some of that snow! Hope you and yours have a Great Thanksgiving.

  15. Ready for another Global Warming winter Woodie?
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, pic identified as 'turkey2' has a certain something about it.

  16. 3 ft of snow already? Holy Camole!

    Nice mixture for hump day - breast and turkey.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Odie!!

  17. Bunni, coming your way ... Happy Hump Day that is.

  18. Stopsign, thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving back at you.

  19. banned, that curtain something is all yours.

  20. Teresa, breasts and turkey Woodsterman style.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.