Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wash That Car -OR- Rule5 Woodsterman Style

Getting Old is a state of mind !


  1. I could see my mom doing that.

  2. Odie, I want to start following this womans diet.The rest is nothing a good surgeon can't fix lol.

  3. stopsign, time, drugs, diets, and surgery can fix anything. Let me know how it goes.

  4. Odie,,You had better increase or decrease the value of your Rule #, it may be your style but the number must change.

  5. Some how, beef pie should have never made it in that commercial.

  6. Out of town, but certainly not out of step!

    ..see you tomorrow for lunch, Odie!


  7. Christopher, Rule 10 just for you. Had you on the edge of your chair until the end huh?

  8. Leaves you feeling a bit "deflated" at the end, Odie! ;-)

  9. Spidey, it is just the most beautiful skin and body and then . . . . .

  10. Is there a way to answer that like a gentleman, No, so I will just keep my pie hole shut.

  11. I hope misses Right has that body in 20 years!

  12. Righty, if she does, you've been living right.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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