Tuesday, November 2, 2010


by Woodsterman ... Now get out there and VOTE !


  1. Good luck Odie, will be keepin my fingers crossed for you all!!!

  2. I got it done! Now we all need to get it done.

  3. Indy, You and Spidey and the gang over there are cheering us on, and for that we thank you. I'll be sipping on a Beefeater watching the returns tonight.

  4. I voted by mail two weeks ago. Now I'm waiting to hear from the Carly people to see if anyone needs a ride to the polls.

  5. Voted here Odie and so damned happy to do so,,FINALLY!

  6. It's a great day, the live blog will be fun!
    I voted, of course.

    We can't have nit wits like the guy below deciding things.

  7. Odie,

    Terrific work! We vote today, enjoy tonight, and commence the remaining battles tomorrow!

    731 days 'til November 2012!

  8. ..and, of course, it's GREAT to have Bunni back! Stay good, ma'am!

  9. Christopher, We have to vote, or take what's disappearing around us for granted.

  10. That will be fun tonight. I hope I can get over there before I celebrate too much.

    When you mentioned the guy below, I assumed you meant the TWP. I finally realized you meant my favorite Liberal. Sorry TWP ...

  11. Great motivational video, Odie! We'll all be toasting the big win tonight!

  12. I tell my students that if they don't know the candidates or the issues they should stay far away from the voting booth.

    Is that so wrong?

    Only if I was a Democrat pandering for the votes of the unenlightened.

  13. Euripides, I vote my core beliefs ... and they don't lean to the left.

  14. Ohio doing our part. Everyone else???

  15. Righty, all I can add in at least my f***ing state is consistent. This place is so screwed up, but I think Arnold needs to share some of the blame. He turned out to be a real Gurly-man!

  16. What the hell is wrong with the brain dead dolts out in Cali, Odie????? You guys are worse than IL, and that's saying something....hee hee. Oh well, it's to be expected.

  17. PS: Thanks for yours and War Planners nice comments. I'm back in fine form with my post of today.

  18. Bunni, you did good in IL, but in Cali we totally F***ed up!


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