Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thursday Means Libturds ~ AM Edition

 Thanks FBers


  1. Some how we managed to learn more in school growing up saying the pledge of allegiance in old school buildings with old desks and uncomfortable chairs while our teacher used a chalkboard then kids in today’s modern climate controlled classrooms with smart boards. Which proves that it is not the quality of the surroundings but the education system and the quality of teachers.

  2. That brush will just make your toilet more filthy

    1. Rich, I hope you're wrong because I've been using the hell out of mine..

    2. Well. Odie, if I had one I would be using it lots too

  3. Love the one about the Vietnam vet.

  4. You'd have to pay me a good bit to take that book. And then I'd toss it in the burn pile.
    I do remember that.
    I like the Veteran one, too.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. Odie, #8 hits home. When I see someone with Nam regalia I wish them “Welcome Home” and always get one in return when we compare where and when we served. My grandson’s high school does not teach about Vietnam. He stated he felt shorted by it. It’s up to us to tell our stories or the truth will be lost as hollyweird/media has skewed the narrative to make us the villains. Sez, 1st ANGLICO 7/71-12/71 Que Son Mtns. and U Minh Forest

    1. Welcome Home 1stANGLICO, Me: 12/68 to 12/69 Engineer Hill, Pleiku. That is when I wasn't putting 15,000 miles on a douse and a half as company scrounger.

  6. Marky Mark can only wish that he owned a gun.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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