Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Don't You Think We Could Use Some Skipisms ~ AM


Thanks Skip


  1. Acronym for Store High In Transit, when fertilizer was sometimes transported in sailing ships.

  2. Special High Intensity Training

  3. John F’n Kerry. One id10t that made life more difficult for Vietnam Veterans (think J (spit-spit) flonda). His charade of tossing unwarranted, undeserved medals into the DC Reflection Pool. Which was widely broadcast by the corrupt media for the leftest to consume and gaslight folks to believe most Veterans were ashamed of their honorable service/sacrifices. Personally, never understood why the long face all the time, John? Sez,1st ANGLICO

    1. Anon, this Vietnam Vet will never forgive either one of those bastards. I am very very Proud to be a Vietnam Vet! I'm trying to stay alive just long enough to piss on both of their graves!

    2. Damn Odie, love your sentiment and determination on doing what is right. You’ll have to wait in a long line to do your pissing cause I want to do the same along with others. Sad the media and Hollyweird shove them down our throats. I often visit the site,”Cherries”. John Podlaski has an intriguing mish mash of Nam stuff. Sort of helps me deal with PTSD. Served in Que Son Mtns. area, then got sent to Cam Mau (as far south as one could go). 7/71-12/71 as a FO and radio operator. Made me appreciate my life here. “Welcome Home”, something we never heard but oh so longed for. Sez,1st ANGLICO Love your site and humor, thanks.

  4. Loved the last one.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.


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