Friday, January 5, 2024

Another Funderwhoopee Friday Is Upon Us ~ AM


Thanks FBers


  1. Our local drive in had those speakers

  2. We still have a drive in here in ict.

    1. B.S. iin V.C, they're all gone from where I grew up.

  3. betcha laughin' 'bout the toilet-cleaning toothbrush; I had a patient (from the bayou) in the service who used his toothbush not only to clean his teeth, but to get the polish into the crevices on his boots

    1. sort of a dark reddish-yellow, but not a cavity anywhere to be seen,
      was very assiduous about brushing and flossing; really took to heart:
      "you should only floss those teeth you want to keep."

  4. 1. Awesome.
    2. Yes!
    3. I have lifetime tickets for that now.
    4. I remember. Used them many times.
    5. No houseplants. Have cats.
    6. Haha.
    7. Definitely trash.
    8. Just wore what I always wear.
    9. Interesting. Not sure about multicolored bacon though...
    10. I can relate.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. One white elephant gift exchange, I got stuck with a bunch of Justin Bieber CDs. They made okay targets.


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