Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wednesday Is Skipparoo Day ~ B


Thanks Skip


  1. I did not qualify for student loans. I worked as a part time freight hauler to pay tuition and books. After I got my AA at the community college I did a 6 year hitch in the Air Force where I racked up another year of credits in business school. I used my GI Bill to finish off my degree with a BS in MIS. The wife's parents paid for her 4 year degree. I paid for her Masters and Specialist degree. I also paid for both my children's BS degrees and my daughter's MS. I have paid enough for higher education.

    1. tsquared, My family used a mostly pay as you go system. No loans.

  2. #1 Yup
    #2 Church Lady gave me a good laugh.
    #3 The sad state of education if you don't know the financial aspect of that before college.
    #4 Again, yup
    #5 I despise RINOs.
    #6 There must be something more positive to come out of that.
    #7 The "Change my mind" memes are always good.
    #8 Strangely, so do I!
    #9 I would be happy with a measly $200,000 after taxes.
    Okay, I know that's not measly, but it would pay off the mortgage..
    #10 Too bad it can't be a negative percent. But I can be happy with 0%.
    Thanks for these, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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