Sunday, July 23, 2023

Let's Have Another Funderful Funday ~ 2


Thanks FBers


  1. can't even touch the door handles of a car in Texas at 3:00 PM with out welders gloves (or 3rd degree burns)

  2. #1) They also probably drove a stick to deliver the pizza. My mom had a 72 Nova with 3 on the tree.

    1. Edward, I've had three pickups in the last forty years. This last one is the only automatic.

  3. Back in the days when I had to drive home in the summer at the end of the work day when my truck had been sitting in the Texas sun all day I called it my daily "Brightside Crossing" after a pretty good science fiction story about some guys driving across the bright side of the planet Mercury.

  4. #1 Eventually they gave up the 30 minutes due to reckless drivers..
    #2 Great Snoopy. Don't think I ever saw that one.
    #3 I usually hear the coins in the dryer and take them out. I find it hard to believe money could get Into the dryer like that.
    #4 Don't know about the whiskey, but the rest is fairly true.
    #5 Good one.
    #6 That can't be real..
    #7 Or beef jerky
    #8 Can't believe that. But you should drink responsibly every day.
    #9 Hard to argue with the truth. (Unless you're a libturd.)
    #10 Haha.
    Thanks for these, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.


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