Tuesday, July 25, 2023

I Need A Libturd Tuesday ~ A


Thanks FBers


  1. Brandon is just going to get medder.

  2. Ain't it sweet Rob to be so rich & removed from us rubes here in flyover country that the effects of 20%+ inflation, rampant urban crime, sky high homelessness and millions pouring across our southern border are so minimal, that you actually believe this administration is effectively governing?

    1. MMinWA, did you forget he thinks all of that is going as planned.

  3. Nothing is going to happen to the Biden's. They have a D behind their names.

    Love the Putin one the best. Spot on.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♥

  4. that's not the question pence was asked. he was asked about US cities declining.

    well, no republican did that. that's exclusively a democrat problem. they need to solve that.

    why should republicans be responsible for the decline of cities we had no hand in?

    1. Allen, aren't the cities part of Mike Pence's country?

    2. go there and look around. does it look like america to you?

      I'm tired of democrats pooping in thier own pool and expecting us to clean it up. they will never learn from thier mistakes if we keep fixing thier problems and letting them go again to make all the same mistakes.

    3. Allen, OK ... read you loud and clear.

  5. I had to listen to "Try That in a Small Town", too. Which I had never heard of until I saw the controversy over Jason Aldean and the song on facecrap. Now the song is #1. I think he will laugh all the way to the bank.
    Thanks for these, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, I bought it on iTunes to tell Jason thank you

  6. The practice of the Man being on the outside originated in the Middle Ages, when housewives and scullery maids would toss the previous evenings effluents out into the street - Closer to the wall means farther from the splash. It followed into the 20th century, to protect the women from splashes caused by traffic. Anyway, that's what my Dad taught me. I still do it. Also, I always enter first into the door of any building, especially bars, to make sure it's safe. I miss my Pop - he was a true Georgia Southern Gentleman. My Mom: a Georgia Peach.

    1. Unclezip, There's a lot of good reasons behind chivalry.


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