Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Dentist from The Carol Burnett Show (full sketch)



  1. First time I saw this I was CRYING, laughing so hard!

    I have 3-4 dentists in my extended family, so I was forwarding for a while...

  2. Probably one of the funniest skits ever done, and I remember when it was on the first time.

  3. Its no wonder so many Americans are stupid...they watch this crap

  4. We saw this on Carol Burnett, but then several years later we saw Harvey Korman and Tom Poston do this skit live in the theater. Both versions were awesome!

  5. I also remember the original airing, though I personally like the elephant & monkey story better. Factoid about this skit - Harvey Korman actually wet his pants laughing during the skit. There are simply no comedic geniuses on TV anymore.

  6. Comedy without all the sick crap they try nowdays.

  7. From what I've read Tim Conway made it his mission every week to make *someone* in the cast break character during the final taping, and Harvey was a frequent target.

    Carol Lawrence's gotcha back at the end of the Elephant sketch is just the icing on the cake. You have to be pretty good to put Carol Burnett AND Dick Van Dyke on the ground laughing.


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