Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Meme Wednesday Morning


Thanks Skip


  1. Damn! I am not drinking her Kool-Aid... probably tastes like piss and fat sweat. The twit AG just looks like a pedophile.

  2. Garland 2 is a theme the Demos are cultivating.

    1. edutcher, actually if parents had done their jobs all along we wouldn't be here. And that includes the unions.

  3. Education becomes indoctrination. Yep. Jimmy Carter's Fed Dept of Ed.

    Kruschev even Told us our kids would grow up communist in the 60's. Parents let it happen. Republicans let it happen. Much worse today, look at what the US has allowed China to do. Supply all our drugs and 90% of the products. Natl Security threat? Who's watching out for the US. Nobody that can do anything.

    1. Kid, I have noticed more and more of John Q. Public has been waking up. That's a state.

  4. Good thing the Republicans didn’t let that fool Garland make it to the Supreme Court


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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