Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Libturd Tuesday ~ 1


Thanks FBers


  1. In my group and me as an individual would count minutes between something offensive and overly inappropriate, we just roll that way.I like those numbers, and in common core math they would add up to 42...

  2. Anything with Buck Fiden in it.

    But especially 4.

    1. edutcher, how can a MSM cover up 80% of the country saying "buck fiden"?

  3. We ALL know, who belongs in the slammer...President Trump scared the shit out of the Swamp Creatures..... Most DCs Politician's Moral compasses, are so twisted, I'd be surprised if they can find their way to the parking lot.
    Look where our Country is now, compared to the last few months of 2019... Yea the Pandemic screwed up our life's for a time... (God Help the Dead Rest Peacefully).... But Our Country was SO MUCH BETTER WITH President Trump in Charge.
    Lying to the American public about Russian Collusion. Selling Uranium to the Russians, collusion with so many countries, that she would sell her soul for money to keep her status in Tact. We all know who I'm talking about ....
    Don't we Hillary Rotten Clinton...and we all know the cast of Lying, Thieving,
    Arrogant, Condescending, scum sucking Human beings called POLITICIANS....2022 is around the corner, and if we're strong, we'll make it till then, then we can Put Trump back where he belongs. In The Oval Office.

  4. US Constitution - Not only take the class, but pass it. And that should be done at the high school level, again. I took it and passed it in '69 and the year before was American history taught by a WWII vet and Korean War vet.

  5. Kids these days...(I have a 21 Year old Daughter) are not taught anything about Real Life... CIVICS, Balancing a checkbook, interpersonal relationship skills as young adults moving on in the world. Heading to college or not. Work ethics.
    Nothing... My daughter layed of due to the pandemic... no work for quite a while, then the checks started rolling in, TWICE what she was making. Now she thinks the world owes her a living... wont work for less then 20.00 an hour.
    AAArrrrggg So annoyed. TRUMP 2024!!

    1. HVAC, they're taught we'll happily pick up the tab.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.